Thursday, June 25, 2009

I've shared a document with you called "Elder Joel Hovey 15 day Fast for a Miracle":'s not an attachment -- it's stored online at Google Docs. To open this document, just click the link above.Friends & Family:

Elder Joel Hovey is having extreme health issues and is scheduled to return home July 14, 2009 from his mission in SantiagoChile. His desire is to be able to continue his mission in Chile. Wewould like to invite you to participate in a Family &friends-continuous 15 day fast. We are expecting a miracle. What themiracle is, we are not sure, but will put our faith along with yours,for the benefit of ElderJoel Hovey and those working with him to keep him in the Mission Field,(hopefully Santiago Chile East Mission). To add your name to thedocument, decide what hours you are able to fast. Then double click inthe space under 'Name" correlating with the hours you will be fasting.After you have typed inyour name hit 'enter' and your name will be saved on the document forall others viewing. More than one person can participate during thesame hour(s). You can add your name to the hour by double clicking onthe name already listed, make sure your cursor is at the end of thename already listed. Type your name and hit enter. You will have toenter your name on each line for each hour you fast. If you make amistake, you can use the 'undo' or 'redo' tab. or call Marianne801-636-4668 and I will correct it. We love & appreciate all of you andall you have done to support Elder Hovey. Thank you for participatingand serving the Hovey family & Elder Joel Hovey.

---Note: You'll need to sign into Google with this email address. To use a different email address, just reply to this message and ask me to invite your other one.