Wednesday, February 4, 2009

That's cool that your sending these letters to people. I hope they help someone.
I really hope every one's illnesses go away!! You are all in my prayers!!!
Quick update on my status:
So this week has been good... but at the same time not so good. We haven't been able to leave the pension (apartment) much cuz of my feet. I got an infection in it and it got all swollen and it kind of really, really hurts haha. I went to the Dr again today and he said to stay in my pension and soak it 2 times a day in salt water. I have to put cream on it twice a day too. My blisters still remain ALL over my foot, but I found out its cuz I have screwed up feet. I went to an orthopedic place to get some soles for my shoes. They took an imprint of my food and said my feet are really messed up that's why I get so many blisters. So I ordered some really nice insoles for my shoes and hopefully it will help. My still hurts like crazy, I don't think it has really improved at all to be honest. But all the same I'm doing fine. A few physical problems aren’t going to stop me. I'm not supposed to go out and work really this week but we’re gonna go and work about half days I'm thinking. Otherwise I'll feel completely worthless, haha. But on a serious note I know the Lord is challenging me to make me grow more. He knows what’s best for me and I fully trust in him and will keep working hard, as hard as I possibly can, because I know without a doubt this Gospel is true. The same Church that Christ established 2000 years ago is today restored thanks to the prophet of God, Joseph Smith. I have come to know and love him for the sacrifices he made for all of us and above all that my Savior Jesus Christ...... I can’t even begin to explain my gratitude for Him. We would all be worthless beings were it not for Him, and Him giving, not just his life for us, but he gave us everything he had, his life, his love, his soul, and more!!! I love you all and I love this Gospel thanks for your prayers and stay strong through anything and everything.

Sorry its so short this week I have very little time today I'll write you more next week. I love you all thanks for your prayers.
Elder Hovey